2017/11/17 - Creative & Pictorial competition

November 17, 2017  •  Leave a Comment
Hey there!
 Things are going pretty good here, and I hope all is well on your end!
 Along with competing in a creative competition last week, I also got some studio time at a friends place for a little fun!  I'm not sharing all of the photos here, but I will be posting them on my site in the next few days, so keep an eye out... or not... that's totally up to you!  Although this shoot was a little less conventional, it was a lot of fun!!!
Along with having a ton of great light at the studio, but there were also props!  Found these glasses among an assortment of costumes and trinkets!

I love how this shot turned out!


You'll be seeing some of these again in the future, as I intend on entering them into competitions!
Good times... anywho, I competed also in a creative photo comp last week, and I did fairly well!
Creative competition

This competition was only for images that were digitally processed.

2017-11-17 - DNP - Creative Competition - "Tangerine CLE"2017-11-17 - DNP - Creative Competition - "Tangerine CLE"
"Tangerine CLE" - Did Not Place
​ At some point last year, I decided to wake absurdly early to capture sunrise photos in Cleveland.  The sky in the original shot was fairly bland, so I did some extra processing to punch it up a little bit... along with the treatment in the sky and water, I also did a black and white treatment on the buildings to help contrast against the orange. It may not have done well, but you have to swing the bat to hit the ball.
2017-11-17 - 2rd Place - Creative Competition - "Salivation Salvation"2017-11-17 - 2rd Place - Creative Competition - "Salivation Salvation"
​"Salivation Salvation" - 2nd Place
I had taken this photo of a former co-worker's pug a few years ago, and got lucky in capturing her lil' tongue sticking out!  That got me thinking of what I can do in a creative image... this was the result.  This image was originally going to be in color, but I found if difficult to match the colors/tones of the different elements that I imported into the background, so I decided to go with a B&W sepia image.  I think the B&W really places an emphasis on the barren wasteland, and her longing for her treat.  Is it a mirage, or does it really exist?  One may never know!
Pictorial Competition
2017-11-17 - 3rd Place - Pictorial Competition - "Zen Garden"2017-11-17 - 3rd Place - Pictorial Competition - "Zen Garden"
​"Zen Garden" - 3rd Place
Took this while at the Japanese garden in Portland during my trip earlier this year.  I think the contrasting angles and color of the image work well together!
That's all I have for now!
Best wishes to you and yours!


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