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2011-2012 - Photograph of the Year - Pictorial Category &2012-04-29 - Hopkins International Airport Exhibit2018-05-19 - Photo of the year - Pictorial Competition -2017-11-03 - 3rd Place - B&W Competition - "Sea side stack"2013-03-22 – Honorable Mention – Creative Competition (Through the lens)2017-09-22 - 3rd Place - Nature Competition - "Oregon Coast"Ore boat being towed backwards into the mouth of the Cuyahoga river 07/04/201711/04/2016 - First Place - Pictorial Competition - "Early Morning Mist At The Beaver Lodge"2016-09-09 - 3rd Place - Pictorial Competition - "The Thriving City""Summer Solstice Sunset on the Cuyahoga" -  Third place - Pictorial Competition2013-01-11 - University Hospitals (UH) ExhibitBelow Grotto FallsOre boat being towed backwards into the mouth of the Cuyahoga river 07/04/20172017-08-18 - Honorable Mention - Pictorial Competition - "Long Journey Ahead""Gandolf the White" Somewhere in VTSomewhere in VTBedford Reservation - Cleveland MetroparksNear the Buckeye trail - Brecksville Reservation - Cleveland Metroparksnear Bridal Veil Falls - Bedford Reservation2013-02-22 – Honorable Mention – Nature CompetitionWaterfall in NC